Wake Up Call on TNT

About a year ago, I got a random call from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson…
I’ve known DJ for a few years, and NO not only because we run in the same body building and power lifting circuits : )
The general population knows DJ from his movies, his wrestling career, or the time he played the ToothFairy (tagline: You can’t handle the tooth!)
But what most people don’t know is that DJ is truly the real deal: a gentle giant who has overcome a lot, works his butt off, never forgets where he came from and is constantly helping people.
But he started like so many of us…full of hope, but also brought down by our own excuses and choices. By the time he was 23, he had been arrested multiple times, his family had been evicted and his dreams of being a football player were shattered. He was living at home with no future, no direction and had $7 in his pocket. That’s when he made a choice – to challenge himself every day. And to turn himself around. The rest is history.
So when he asked if I’d be his sidekick to help a young lady named Alyssa who had also lost her way…I was honored to say YES.
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Wake Up Call; Airing on TNT
I hope this program reminds all of us, that we too, can make a choice, push ourselves daily, and eventually turn things around.