Every Kid is One Caring Adult Away From Being a Success Story

Week #20

Week #20

Delivering Bad News


1. Have you ever had to tell your parents bad news?  How did it go?

2. Josh advises you to tell the whole truth and come completely clean with your parents.  Do you think this is wise advice or foolish?  Why?


Review your own life.  Is there something you need to come clean about to your parents?  If so, with a mentor, set a deadline for yourself to have a conversation with your parents (or a trusted adult) and admit it.

If there’s no bad news you need to break to your folks, then instead, set up a time to ask your parents about the time in their life when THEY had to have a really tough conversation about something THEY did wrong with their parents.  Ask them what they did, and how it went.  Try to laugh, because it’s funny now.  Use the time to bond with your folks.