Week #30
Parents Understand You?
1. Take a minute and complete this parent relationship evaluation quiz. Rank how strongly you agree with each statement, from 1 (I disagree with the statement) to 10 (I strongly agree with this statement).
• I communicate with my parents easily and often
• I spend quality time each week with my parents
• I feel emotionally close to my parents
• I feel like my parents know what is important to me
2. What did this quiz reveal about your relationship with your parents? What is going well right now with your parents? What really needs to improve?
This is a tough and scary assignment: I want you to set aside a time to talk to your parents, and have them take this quiz. Rank how strongly you agree with each statement, from 1 (I disagree with the statement) to 10 (I strongly agree with this statement).
• I communicate with my teen easily and often
• I spend quality time each week with my teen
• I feel emotionally close to my teen
• I feel I know what is important to my teen
After they take the quiz, share the results of your quiz, and talk about what’s going right in your relationship and outline ONE THING that you can do to help improve your relationship THIS WEEK.