Every Kid is One Caring Adult Away From Being a Success Story

Week #40

Week #40

The TRUTH about Bullying


1. Do you see bullying at your school?  Why do you think this happens?
2. Have you ever been bullied?  What was that experience was like?


If you are being bullied (even if it is only occasionally) you need support and encouragement RIGHT NOW.  With your mentor, figure out together how to short-circuit your bully with kindness.  Answer these questions:

1. Why might he/she be bullying other people?
2. Have you reacted before to this bully?  What was it about what the bully said or did that made you react?
3. With your mentor’s help, come up with a reply line that will help you NOT react and that is also kind.
4. Rehearse!  Have your mentor pretend to be the bully (saying mean things about you) and you practice responding.