Every Kid is One Caring Adult Away From Being a Success Story

Week #45

Week #45

Got A Bad Teacher?


1. Have you ever had a run in with either a Professor Fluffy or a Professor Mean?

2. Of your current teachers, what do you appreciate about each of them? Anything that frustrates you?


If you are having a problem with a specific teacher, make a specific list of things that the teacher does.  Start with a few good things that the teacher does.  Make a list of those things.

Then, make a list of the things that frustrate you or make it difficult for you to succeed in the classroom.  Be specific and honest. (“They’re mean” isn’t good enough.  Why do you think the teacher is mean?  What has the teacher done specifically that shows you that he/she is mean?).  Then, brainstorm with your mentor and/or parents about next steps that are respectful of everyone.