Every Kid is One Caring Adult Away From Being a Success Story

Week #51

Week #51

Achieve Anything You Want. No, Seriously.


1. Have you ever made a resolution?  How did that turn out?

2. Have you ever gotten the help of someone (an adult, a coach, a teacher) to help you reach a goal?  What did they do to help you?


Choose something that you would like to have happen in your own life and write down your goal.  Be specific – not vague.  Have your mentor help you with this.

STEP 1. Specifically define the end result you want.  You might want to write out a sentence that is written in the present tense about what you want to be true of you.  For example, “I am not overweight, but am in rather good shape.  I have the energy to accomplish all the things I need to do throughout my day.”

STEP 2. With your mentor, make a list of all the baby steps between where you are and where you want to be.

STEP 3. Write down who should be the person to help you (and perhaps even hold you accountable) for taking the next step toward your goal.