Every Kid is One Caring Adult Away From Being a Success Story


The Identity Program with Josh Shipp

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Special Price: $97

In the Identity Program Josh takes the pressure off you and talks to teens one-on-one. Josh talks directly about things that are crucial to success and often difficult to talk about:

  • Responsibility
  • Bullying and labels
  • Self-esteem
  • Making Positive Choices
  • How to overcome challenges

He talks about all these things in a way that’s entertaining and grabs the attention of even the most difficult teen immediately. It’s NOT a lecture. It’s a message from someone who’s been there and wants teens to succeed.

Here’s exactly what you get:

  • The DVD Program featuring Josh Shipp
  • Interactive Teen Success Workbook
  • Practical Action Guide
  • In-depth Program Discussion Guide
  • BONUS: 4 CDs on developing a healthy self-esteem


—Ellen Rakieten, Emmy Award-Winning Producer of OPRAH Avatar
"When it comes to understanding the minds of teens, there is no greater expert than Josh Shipp. I've witnessed firsthand the lives he's transformed."
—Ellen Rakieten, Emmy Award-Winning Producer of OPRAH

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