NEW Book! “Jump Ship: Turn Your Passion into Your Profession”

I’m thrilled to announce my NEW book and I’m going to BRIBE you to pre-order it today. (Read on for details)
Jump Ship: Turn Your Passion into a Profession
In “Jump Ship” you’ll learn:
• The questions you MUST answer to identify your dream job
• The step-by-step guide to landing your dream job
• Striking the right balance between passion/paycheck
• The six dead-end efforts you should stop wasting your time on
Here’s a review from the Chicago Tribune…
“Jump Ship is a smart and honest freight train of a book, one that’s as witty and approachable as it is pragmatic.” -Rex Huppke, Chicago Tribune
OKAY…I want to get this book into the hands of as many people as possible. Because I truly believe it will help them…if they’ll read the dang thing.
I’m going to BRIBE you to pre-order the book TODAY.
I’m offering options like a free Q&A webcast, a customized video from me or a Skype chat with yours truly.
I decided to write this book because I’ve seen countless friends, peers, and fellow millennials go through the boredom, the frustration, the hidden shame, the confusion, and the paralysis of coming to grips with the fact that they don’t like where they are, what they’re doing, and where they’re going.
I’ve walked step- by-step through this transition with many of them. Through all this, I started thinking a lot about what I’d done differently– how I’d ended up in such a different place than so many of my peers.
This book is the result. Through a lot of self-reflection, I was able to reverse engineer my success story. Then things got even better. As I began to have conversations with brave people in my life who’ve had the guts to chuck the script other people were writing for their lives and Jump Ship to pursue their dreams, I realized I wasn’t just a fluke. These brave people had all followed the same steps I had. Some started young, like I did, and others changed course somewhere along the line. In both cases, the steps we all followed to success looked remarkably similar.
I can’t wait to share this all with YOU.