Teen Cell Phone Contract – Healthy Boundaries for Teen Cell Phone Use

When it comes to your teen’s first phone, the question isn’t a matter of ‘if.’
It’s a matter of ‘when.’
If you’re a parent, you know that this seemingly innocent decision is BIG. Essentially, you’re extending an invitation towards independence—to become a well-rounded person who can co-exist with technology, rather than be ruled by it.
The goal is to help kids become a well-rounded person who can coexist with technology, NOT be ruled by it.
If you’re feeling a little freaked out, you’re not alone. After all, it’s unnerving to think about your kid having the entire internet in their back pocket (read: cyberbullying, porn, creepy strangers, oh my!?!?!).
We can’t, however, let fear rule our decisions as parents.
At the end of the day, our kids are good people who we love and trust (well, most of the time). What we need to do is empower our kids to make good decisions with this new gadget—to help them understand that a cell phone, like all privileges, is a responsibility.
Inspired by a segment I did with Good Morning America. The segment featured Janell Burley Hofmann, who created an iPhone Contract for her 13-year old son. Here’s a teen cell phone contract to help you spark this mission-critical ‘cell phone responsibility discussion’ with your teen. It’s designed for you to give to your teen directly, but I encourage you to make it your own.
This teen cell phone contract is designed to create an open line of communication between you and your teen regarding their cell phone. Again, the goal is to help your kid become a well-rounded person who can coexist with technology, NOT be ruled by it. The Yale Stress Center conducted research that found empirical evidence that self-control is a renewable resource that can be increased through suitable “exercise.” Self-control is like a muscle that can be strengthened and improved. Technology is a great tool to strengthen self-control.
Download it below and use it to guide this crucial conversation.